
Monday, January 23, 2023

Questions : Air Around Us

 Air  Around Us

Q.1. What is a wind?

Q.2. What is a storm?

Q.3. What is the use of a weather clock?

Q.4. Wind helps in the movement of what?

Q.5. Give two properties of air?

Q.6. What is the atmosphere?

Q.7. Why do mountaineers carry oxygen cylinders while climbing high mountains?

Q.8. What keeps the atmosphere in its place?

Q.9. Who discovered oxygen and in which year?

Q.10. Name the main gases present in the air.

Q.11. What is the fraction of Nitrogen in the air?

Q.12. Does nitrogen support combustion?

Q.13. What is the term used for the amount of water vapour present in the air?

Q.14. Which place has more humidity, Mumbai or Delhi?

Q.15. Humans give out which gas during respiration?

Q.16. Why do we feel suffocated, if some material is burning in a closed room with no ventilation?

Q.17. Which colour is given by carbon dioxide present in the air to lime water?

Q.18. Why do policemen wear masks in crowded crossings?

Q.19. Why should we breathe through the nose?

Q.20. Why do dolphins and whales come to the surface of water?

Q.21. How does oxygen become available to plants and animals living in water?

Q.22. Show with the help of an experiment that air is dissolved in water.

Q.23. How do organisms living in soil get oxygen to respire?

Q.24. What is the Oxygen cycle?

Q.25. What are the uses of air?

Questions : Water


Q.1. What fraction of earth is covered with water?

Q.2. Why is earth called a watery planet?

Q.3. Where is the most water on earth present?

Q.4. Why cannot we use water present in oceans and seas?

Q.5. What are the uses of water?

Q.6. Where do we get water from?

Q.7. What is the water cycle?

Q.8. What is evaporation?

Q.9. Two balls are kept, one in sun and the other in shade. Whose water dries faster?

Q.10. Does evaporation depend on wind?

Q.11. What are the factors on which evaporation depends?

Q.12. What is transpiration?

Q.13. What is condensation?

Q.14. How are clouds formed?

Q.15. What is precipitation?

Q.16. What is rain?

Q.17. What are the four steps involved in the water cycle?

Q.18. What is a fog?

Q.19. What is a dew?

Q.20. What is drought?

Q.21. What is famine?

Q.22. Name the three states which are drought prone.

Q.23. What are floods?

Q.24. What are the ways by which we can conserve water at home?

Q.25. What is rainwater harvesting?

Q.26. What are the two ways of rainwater harvesting?

Q.27. What is drain harvesting?

Q.28. What is Roof Top Rainwater harvesting?

Questions : Electricity and Circuits

 Electricity and Circuits

Q.1. Name some devices which run on electricity.

Q.2. Name one source of current.

Q.3. Name some devices which use electric cells.

Q.4. How many terminals does a cell have?

Q.5. Which kind of energy a cell uses to produce electricity?

Q.6. What are the components of a torch?

Q.7. What is an electric circuit?

Q.8. What is a closed electric circuit?

Q.9. When is a circuit said to be broken or open?

Q.10. What is the direction of current in an electric circuit?

Q.11. What are the elements of an electric circuit?

Q.12. Give the symbols to represent a battery, a cell, a switch and a bulb.

Q.13. What is the main reason for a bulb getting fused?

Q.14. What is an electric switch?

Q.15. What are conductors?

Q.16. What are insulators?

Q.17. Who invented the electric cell?

Q.18. Who invented the electric bulb?

Q.19. Name one non metal which is a conductor?

Q.20. Name some conductors of electricity?

Q.21. Name some insulators of electricity?

Q.22. What is the use of coating with an insulating material over the wire?

Questions : Light, shadows and Reflections

 Light, Shadows and Reflections

Q.1. What are the activities in our daily life for which we need light to perform it?

Q.2. What is light?

Q.3. What are luminous objects? Give examples.

Q.4. What are non luminous objects? Give examples.

Q.5. Name the types of objects based on the way they transmit light.

Q.6. What are Opaque objects? Give examples.

Q.7. What are transparent objects? Give examples.

Q.8. What are translucent objects? Give examples. 

Q.9. What is rectilinear propagation of light?

Q.10. What is a shadow?

Q.11. How does the size of the shadow vary?

Q.12. What is a pinhole camera?

Q.13. What is reflection of light?

Q.14. Does a mirror change the direction of light that falls on?

Questions : Fun with Magnets

 Fun with Magnets

Q.1. What is the story of magnetite?

Q.2. What is lodestone?

Q.3. What are magnets?

Q.4. What are magnetic and nonmagnetic? Give examples of magnetic and nonmagnetic materials.

Q.5. What are poles and how many are present in a magnet?

Q.6. In which direction does a magnet come to rest.

Q.7. How will you find the North and South Pole of a magnet?

Q.8. What would happen if a magnet was to be cut into two pieces?

Q.9. What happens when the like poles of a magnet are brought together?

Q.10. What happens when the unlike poles of a magnet are brought together?

Q.11. What was the primary use of a magnet in ancient times?

Q.12. Which device is used to find directions?

Q.13. What is a compass?

Q.14. Describe the single touch method of making magnets.

Q.15. When does a magnet lose its magnetic properties?

Q.16. What is self demagnetization?

Q.17. What are keepers?

Q.18. What are the uses of magnets?

Q.19. What is the magnetic field of a magnet?

Questions : Motion and Measurement of Distance

 Motion and Measurement of distance

Q.1. Describe how human beings advanced from traveling on foot to using aeroplanes?

Q.2. What is motion? Give examples.

Q.3. What is rest? Give examples.

Q.4. Name the different types of motion.

Q.5. What is translational motion?

Q.6. How many types of translational motion are present?

Q.7. What is rectilinear motion? Give examples.

Q.8. What is curvilinear motion? Give examples.

Q.9. What is rotational motion? Give examples.

Q.10. What is periodic motion? Give examples.

Q.11. What is non-periodic motion?

Q.12. What is measurement?

Q.13. How ancient people performed measurement?

Q.14. What is a unit?

Q.15. What are S.I. units?

Q.16. What are the standard units of length, mass and time?

Q.17. What are the steps needed to be followed while measuring length?

Questions : Body Movements

 Body Movements

Q.1. What are the ways by which animals move from one place to another?

Q.2. From where can we bend or rotate our body?

Q.3. What is a joint?

Q.4. What holds our bones together at the joints?

Q.5. Name the different kinds of joints in our body.

Q.6. Where is the ball and socket joint found in our body?

Q.7. Which joint allows movement of the head in all directions?

Q.8. Where are hinge joints found in our body?

Q.9. What kind of movements do hinge joints provide?

Q.10. Which joint allows side or back and forth movement?

Q.11. Where are gliding joints found in our body?

Q.12. Where are fixed joints found in our body?

Q.13. What is a skeleton?

Q.14. Name the four basic parts of the human skeleton.

Q.15. How many bones make up the skull?

Q.16. How many vertebrae are present in the backbone?

Q.17. How many pairs of ribs are present in our body?

Q.18. What is a rib cage?

Q.19. What are floating ribs?

Q.20. How many pairs of limbs do we have in our body?

Q.21. What is attached to the hip bone through the hip joint?

Q.22. What is the long bone of the upper arm called?

Q.23. Which portion of the body is enclosed by the pelvic bones?

Q.24. What is the function of cartilage?

Q.25. How many sets of muscles are needed to move a bone in one direction?

Q.26. What is the mechanism of movement of the bones with the help of muscles?

Q.27. How does an earthworm move?

Q.28. How does a snail move?

Q.29. Do cockroaches have bones?

Q.30. What kind of bones do birds have?

Q.31. Name two organisms having streamlined bodies.

Q.32. How does a fish move?

Q.33. How do snakes move?

Questions : Getting to Know Plants

 Getting to Know Plants

Q.1. What are flowering plants?

Q.2. Name three flowering plants.

Q.3. What are non flowering plants?

Q.4. Name a non flowering plant.

Q.5. What is the classification of plants based on size and type of stem?

Q.6. What are herbs?

Q.7. Name four herbs.

Q.8. What are shrubs?

Q.9. Name three shrubs.

Q.10. What are trees?

Q.11. Name five trees.

Q.12. What are climbers?

Q.13. What are Creepers?

Q.14. Name three Creepers?

Q.15. Name three climbers.

Q.16. Name the two important systems of all flowering plants.

Q.17. What constitutes the root system?

Q.18. Name the two main types of roots.

Q.19. Name five plants having tap roots.

Q.20. Name three plants having fibrous roots.

Q.21. What are the functions of roots?

Q.22. Name three plants whose root store food for the plant?

Q.23. What are prop roots?

Q.24. Name three plants which give out extra roots from their branches.

Q.25. What constitutes the shoot system?

Q.26. What is a node?

Q.27. The portion of the stem between two nodes is called __________.

Q.28. Name a plant having tendrils.

Q.29. What is the function of a tendril?

Q.30. What are the functions of a stem?

Q.31. Name three plants having an underground stem.

Q.32. Name a plant having modified stems to make food.

Q.33. On what factors does the leaves of plant vary.

Q.34. Name the parts of a leaf.

Q.35. What is a midrib?

Q.36. The arrangement of veins in a leaf is called ________ ___________.

Q.37. Name three plants having parallel venation.

Q.38. Name three plants having reticulate venation.

Q.39. The veins of the leaf transport _________, _________ and _______.

Q.40. Plants with tap roots have __________ venation and those with fibrous roots have __________ venation.

Q.41. What are the functions of the leaf?

Q.42. The leaves is green in colour due to the presence of the green pigment called _____________.

Q.43. What is photosynthesis?

Q.44. Plants give out __________ during the process of photosynthesis.

Q.45. What is transpiration?

Q.46. Leaves of which plant is modified to give support?

Q.47. What is a flower?

Q.48. On what factors one flower differs from another?

Q.49. What is a pedicel?

Q.50. What is a thalamus?

Q.51. What is a calyx of sepals?

Q.52. What are Petals?

Q.53. What are the functions of Petals?

Q.54. Describe stamens.

Q.55. Describe pistil or carpel.

Questions : The Living Organisms and their Surroundings

 The living organisms and their surroundings

Q.1. Tell me about three places where living organisms can be found.

Q.2. What are the requirements of living things from their surroundings?

Q.3. What do we mean by abiotic?

Q.4. What do we mean by biotic?

Q.5. What is ecology?

Q.6. What is a habitat?

Q.7. Organisms depend on their habitat for what?

Q.8. What is the habitat of a camel and cactus plant?

Q.9. What is the habitat of a lion?

Q.10. What is the habitat of a frog or fish?

Q.11. What are the properties of a good habitat?

Q.12. What are adaptations?

Q.13. What are the two main types of habitat found on the earth?

Q.14. Who are terrestrial organisms?

Q.15. What are the factors on which terrestrial habitats are divided into different types?

Q.16. Name some Terrestrial habitats.

Q.17. What is a desert?

Q.18. Name some organisms surviving in the desert.

Q.19. What are the adaptations in plants for the desert?

Q.20. What are the adaptations in animals for the desert?

Q.21. What are grasslands?

Q.22. What are the adaptations in plants for the grasslands?

Q.23. Name four plants growing in the grasslands.

Q.24. What are the adaptations in lions to live in the grasslands?

Q.25. What are the adaptations in deer to live in the grasslands?

Q.26. Name four animals found in the grasslands.

Q.27. Name seven plants found in the hilly areas.

Q.28. What are the adaptations in plants for the mountains?

Q.29. What are the adaptations in animals for the mountains?

Q.30. Name six animals found in mountains.

Q.31. What is hibernation and name some animals following it?

Q.32. What are aquatic habitats?

Q.33. In how many divisions is the aquatic habitat divided?

Q.34. How are fish able to survive in the sea?

Q.35. Name two sea animals which do not have streamlined bodies?

Q.36. Name two sea animals which breathe through nostrils.

Q.37. Name some freshwater habitats.

Q.38. What are aquatic plants?

Q.39. What are the different types of aquatic plants?

Q.40. What are the adaptations in fully submerged plants?

Q.41. Give an example of a fully submerged plant.

Q.42. What are the adaptations in partially submerged plants?

Q.43. Give an example of a partially submerged plant.

Q.44. What are the adaptations in floating plants?

Q.45. Give an example of a floating plant.

Q.46. What are the characteristics of living things?

Q.47. What are autotrophs and heterotrophs?

Q.48. What is an adult form of a puppy?

Q.50. What is an adult form of a kitten?

Q.51. What is an adult form of a chicken?

Q.52. What is respiration?

Q.53. How does a fish breathe?

Q.54. How does an earthworm breathe?

Q.55. What is a stomata?

Q.56. What is a stimulus?

Q.57. Give some examples of stimuli to which living organisms respond.

Q.58. What is excretion?

Q.59. Plants excrete through which structure?

Q.60. Name some wastes given out by plants.

Q.61. What is locomotion?

Q.62. What is the life cycle of a living thing?

Questions : Changes Around Us

 Changes Around Us

Q.1. Give some examples of changes around us.

Q.2. Every change has a _________.

Q.3. Which kind of changes are brought by the causes?

Q.4. What are reversible changes?

Q.5. What are irreversible changes?

Q.6. Give three examples of reversible changes.

Q.7. Give three examples of Irreversible changes.

Q.8. How many kinds of changes are there based on whether new substances are formed or not?

Q.9. What are physical changes?

Q.10. Give four examples of physical changes.

Q.11. Explain how the property of expansion is useful in daily life?

Q.12. Explain how the metal rim is fitted on the wheel?

Q.13. What are chemical changes?

Q.14. Give two examples of chemical changes.

Q.15. What is formed when wax burns?

Q.16. Give an example of mixing which is reversible.

Questions : Sorting Materials into Groups

 Sorting Materials into Groups

Q.1. What are the parameters on which things differ from each other?

Q.2. What is sorting?

Q.3. Name seven objects and the materials they are made up of.

Q.4. Name some materials.

Q.5. What helps us to group different materials into different classes?

Q.6. Which two properties are common to all materials?

Q.7. Which material is used to make a bucket?

Q.8. What is classification?

Q.9. Name some properties of materials which help us to classify things.

Q.10. What is lustre?

Q.11. Name five metals having lustre?

Q.12. How to know whether a material is lustrous or not?

Q.13. Name some soft materials.

Q.14. Name some hard materials.

Q.15. Name some smooth materials.

Q.16. Which materials are said to be soluble?

Q.17. What is solubility?

Q.18. Is sand soluble in water?

Q.19. What are miscible liquids?

Q.20. Give an example of immiscible liquids.

Q.21. Name two gases which dissolve in water.

Q.22. Name a gas which does not dissolve in water.

Q.23. What is density?

Q.24. Which substances float and which sinks in water?

Q.25. What is transparency?

Q.26. In how many categories can materials be divided on the basis of transparency?

Q.27. Which materials are called transparent? Give examples.

Q.28. What are Opaque objects? Give examples.

Q.29. What are translucent objects? Give examples.

Questions : Fibre to Fabric

 Fibre to Fabric 

Q.1. What early people used for clothing?

Q.2. How people learnt to make cloth?

Q.3. What is a fabric?

Q.4. Describe how people advanced from making clothes by hand to using machines?

Q.5. Name some materials made from various kinds of fabrics?

Q.6. Name some fabrics?

Q.7. Name the largest producer of jute in the world?

Q.8. A cloth is made up of a number of _________ or _________.

Q.9. What are fibres?

Q.10. Fabrics are made up of ________ and Yarns are made up of ________. 

Q.11. _________ is the single hair-like structure.

Q.12. How many types of fibres are there?

Q.13. Name some natural fibres. 

Q.14. What gives us wool?

Q.15. Silk is obtained from the ________ of the __________. 

Q.16. Name some synthetic fibres.

Q.17. What are synthetic fibres?

Q.18. Synthetic fibres are made from what?

Q.19. The cotton plant is a _________.

Q.20. What is the source of cotton?

Q.21. Which kind of soil is suitable for growing cotton plants?

Q.22. Which states grow cotton?

Q.23. Name the process of separating seeds from fibres in a cotton ball.

Q.24. The process of making yarn from fibres is called _________.

Q.25. Name two processes by which yarn is made into fabric.

Q.26. What is weaving?

Q.27. Which machine is used for weaving of fabric?

Q.28. What is knitting?

Q.29. ________ fabrics stretch more than ________ fabrics.

Q.30. Fabrics are made by _________ and ___________.

Q.31. What is jute?

Q.32. Where is Jute grown in India?

Q.33. Which kind of soil is necessary to grow jute?

Q.34. What is retting?

Q.35. _______ is a coarse fibre obtained from the husk of coconut.

Q.36. What are the uses of coir?

Q.37. What is used to make linens?

Questions : Air Around Us

  Air  Around Us Q.1. What is a wind? Q.2. What is a storm? Q.3. What is the use of a weather clock? Q.4. Wind helps in the movement of what...