
Monday, January 23, 2023

Questions : The Living Organisms and their Surroundings

 The living organisms and their surroundings

Q.1. Tell me about three places where living organisms can be found.

Q.2. What are the requirements of living things from their surroundings?

Q.3. What do we mean by abiotic?

Q.4. What do we mean by biotic?

Q.5. What is ecology?

Q.6. What is a habitat?

Q.7. Organisms depend on their habitat for what?

Q.8. What is the habitat of a camel and cactus plant?

Q.9. What is the habitat of a lion?

Q.10. What is the habitat of a frog or fish?

Q.11. What are the properties of a good habitat?

Q.12. What are adaptations?

Q.13. What are the two main types of habitat found on the earth?

Q.14. Who are terrestrial organisms?

Q.15. What are the factors on which terrestrial habitats are divided into different types?

Q.16. Name some Terrestrial habitats.

Q.17. What is a desert?

Q.18. Name some organisms surviving in the desert.

Q.19. What are the adaptations in plants for the desert?

Q.20. What are the adaptations in animals for the desert?

Q.21. What are grasslands?

Q.22. What are the adaptations in plants for the grasslands?

Q.23. Name four plants growing in the grasslands.

Q.24. What are the adaptations in lions to live in the grasslands?

Q.25. What are the adaptations in deer to live in the grasslands?

Q.26. Name four animals found in the grasslands.

Q.27. Name seven plants found in the hilly areas.

Q.28. What are the adaptations in plants for the mountains?

Q.29. What are the adaptations in animals for the mountains?

Q.30. Name six animals found in mountains.

Q.31. What is hibernation and name some animals following it?

Q.32. What are aquatic habitats?

Q.33. In how many divisions is the aquatic habitat divided?

Q.34. How are fish able to survive in the sea?

Q.35. Name two sea animals which do not have streamlined bodies?

Q.36. Name two sea animals which breathe through nostrils.

Q.37. Name some freshwater habitats.

Q.38. What are aquatic plants?

Q.39. What are the different types of aquatic plants?

Q.40. What are the adaptations in fully submerged plants?

Q.41. Give an example of a fully submerged plant.

Q.42. What are the adaptations in partially submerged plants?

Q.43. Give an example of a partially submerged plant.

Q.44. What are the adaptations in floating plants?

Q.45. Give an example of a floating plant.

Q.46. What are the characteristics of living things?

Q.47. What are autotrophs and heterotrophs?

Q.48. What is an adult form of a puppy?

Q.50. What is an adult form of a kitten?

Q.51. What is an adult form of a chicken?

Q.52. What is respiration?

Q.53. How does a fish breathe?

Q.54. How does an earthworm breathe?

Q.55. What is a stomata?

Q.56. What is a stimulus?

Q.57. Give some examples of stimuli to which living organisms respond.

Q.58. What is excretion?

Q.59. Plants excrete through which structure?

Q.60. Name some wastes given out by plants.

Q.61. What is locomotion?

Q.62. What is the life cycle of a living thing?

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